

We are a community of individuals and families who own our homes in 611 Cedar Residential Community in Port Hadlock, Washington. Approximately 245 of us live in 78 homes. Young families and seniors share the neighborhood, the streets, and the common areas. Our diversity reflects an image of America. Individuals in the community represent many cultures––Native American, Filipino, Korean, Chinese, Hispanic, black, and white.

"Mi casa es su casa"                   Neighbors share family time

"We're really happy here"             "It's ours and we love it."

"My Carlito is my life"                    "We're planning a wedding" 

"Tea is steeping at Grace's"            "Fresh salmon for dinner" 

  Senior Exercise                                     Visit to Library

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Port Hadlock

Port Hadlock Waterfront's NW School of Wooden Boat Building

Port Hadlock is a wonderful place to live. 
It is small and friendly. It is a safe place to live and raise a family.

Lower Hadlock



Kivley Center

Chimacum Cafe

Home Owners Association

Homeowners living in the 611 Cedar Residential Community in Port Hadlock have a number of partner organizations, which represent mobile and manufactured homeowners. Tenants as owners are encouraged to become members of any or all partner organizations in order to learn about the resources the organizations offer to residents when they become members of the associations.

We who live here at 611 Cedar are pretty independent type folks. We tend to value our freedoms as we exercise our rights. We look out for our neighbors and they look after us.

The question has come up? Do we residents here at 611 have a homeowner's association? Well, that depends on what is the definition of a homeowner's association? If the definition is a neighborhood of friendly folks, who respect each other and look out for each other, you'd have to say that the residents of 611 Cedar indeed have a homeowner's association.

We are definitely homeowners. Each home is owned by at least one of the people living there. A single owner may be a retired senior or a single parent. Couples, who own homes, might be husband and wife or partners. And, families of various sizes own their own homes. No renters here. Owners at Six-Eleven are proud of owning their own homes. We work hard to take care of our lives, meet our obligations, and enjoy our time at home.

We associate with one another in many ways. It might be daily. It might be monthly. We chat at the mailbox, over the hedge, and at the kitchen table. Our associations with one another happen often and are meaningful. Sometimes associating with one another are spontaneous, sometimes planned.

Many homeowners belong to larger associations, which represent owners of mobile and manufactured home. Some of the associations are Manufactured Home Owners of America and Association of Manufactured Home Owners, Tenants Union of Washington State.

Homeowners and park owners enter into lease agreements to define the relationships between homeowners and park owners. As part of the agreement, park owners agree to follow the law outlined in the Washington State RCW 59.20The Mobile/Manufactured Home Landlord Tenant Act. The Duties and Responsibilities of the Park Owner, the Landlord, are spelled out as the law of the State of Washington.

We meet in small groups with neighbors who live close-by. We have common interests to discuss. Like-minded folks gather around common interests. These small groups spring up spontaneously, in response to new situations and opportunities.

Some of us residents have been living here at Six-Eleven for 20 or more years. Others of us for 10 years. And for some new residents, this may their first year. Whether we are recent or old-timers, we recognize a certain sense of community among owners, who share the streets between our homes.

Regional Mobile/Manufactured Homeowners Association

The purpose and objective that guides MHOA is for improving the quality of life for all manufactured/mobile home owners and promoting the health, safety and welfare of the owners of manufactured/mobile homes. Phone 360-373-2436

Manufactured/Mobile Home Owners of America
3627 Wheaton Way, Suite 105B
Bremerton, WA 98310

Regional Mobile/Manufactured Homeowners Association
 Washington Manufactured Home Owners
AMHO is a statewide, independent non-profit organization representing the interests of Washington’s manufactured home owners.
AMHO Westside 425-772-5174

AMHO is a not-for-profit Washington State Corporation with an IRS status as a 501(c)(3) organization. Its stated purpose is to promote, represent, preserve and enhance the rights and interests of manufactured homeowners in the state of Washington through communication, education, negotiation and perpetuation of our communities. The major focus has been the education of elected officials and the general communities, to support the production of more affordable housing, and to strengthen the bargaining power of manufactured homeowners living in communities.

 Washington Tenants Union
The mission of the Tenants Union (TU) is to create housing justice through empowerment-based education, outreach, leadership development, organizing, and advocacy. 

TU Victory! Started by volunteers in 1977, the Tenants Union has a long history of victories for housing justice through education, organizing and advocacy. These victories were led and supported by our membership. For more information on how to become a member, 

5425 Rainier Avenue S Ste B
Seattle, WA 98118-2455

Information and Legal Resources

Information Resources, Legal Resources, and Government Resources for Owners of Mobile and Manufactured Homes

Information resources for owners of mobile and manufactured homes, who lease the space on which their home is located.
  • Manufactured Home Owners of America360-373-2436 — The purpose and objective that guides MHOA is for improving the quality of life for all manufactured/mobile home owners and promoting the health, safety and welfare of the owners of manufactured/mobile homes.

Statewide Legal Services for Tenants
Manufactured home relocation assistance is offered by the Department of Commerce's Office of Mobile/Manufactured Housing (OMH) when a park closes.  They also offer technical assistance to tenants groups interested in purchasing their housing communities.
For face-to-face mediation that is low-cost, visit Resolution Washington for non-profit dispute resolution centers in Washington state.
    Manufactured Home Tenant's Associations
    Other Landlord/Tenant resources and links  
    The Attorney General’s Office does not handle complaints about issues relating to the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act.  Here is a list of resources that may assist you with residential landlord/tenant issues:
    Help for Tenants:
    • Self Help Brochure
    •  Lawyer Referral
      •  If you need low cost legal assistance, contact the Washington State Bar Association, or your county bar association and ask about its lawyer referral program.
    • Statewide Legal Services for Tenants
    • Solid Ground Tenant Counseling & Education
                Tenant Services Line
                10:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday and Thursday, 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Wednesday
                (206) 694-6767
    • Complaints and Inquiries about Housing Codes:
      •  Call your local city or county zoning or building departments
    • Low Income Housing:
      • U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
          909 First Avenue, Suite 190
          Seattle, WA 98104
          (206) 220-5205
    • Senior Housing Issues:
    • Housing Discrimination:
    • Washington State Human Rights Commission
      •   1511 Third Ave.
          Suite 921
          Seattle, WA 98101
          (206) 464-6500
          Toll-free: 1-800-233-3247
      • Also, contact your city or county Human Rights or Civil Rights agency.
      • :
      • Coordinated Legal Education Advice and Referral (CLEAR), 1-888-201-1014. CLEAR is a toll-free hotline for qualified lowincome people staffed by trained paralegals and lawyers who can answer legal questions and provide appropriate referrals. 
      • Office of Manufactured Housing Washington State Community Trade and Economic Development P.O. Box 42525 Olympia, WA 98504-8350 1-800-964-0852 http://www.cted.wa.gov/ 
      • Department of Labor & Industries PO Box 44000 Olympia WA 98504-4000 1-360-902-5800 www.lni.wa.gov/Main/ContactInfo/Default. asp 
      • Mobile Home Owners of America 3421 Kitsap Way #H Bremerton, WA 98337 1-360-373-2436 mhoapres@donobi.net 
      • Mobile Home Tenants Association c/o Robert Case bob530c@yahoo.com 
      • Save Our Seniors Homes (SOS Homes) c/o Kylin Parks kylinparks@yahoo.com 
      • HUD Housing and Urban Development 1-800-927-2891 Washington State Human Rights Commission Fair Housing Unit Melbourne Tower 1511 Third Ave., Suite 921 Seattle, WA 98101-1626 1-800-605-7324 
      • Association of Manufactured Home Owners PO Box 30273 Spokane WA 99223 (509) 343-9624 (English and Spanish) PO Box 3606 Federal Way WA 98063 (425) 772-5174 (English only)
      • Other Laws That May Apply To Mobile Home Tenancies: The Washington State Mobile Home Landlord Tenant Act MHLTA is not the only law governing a tenancy in a mobile home park. Contract, tort, and constitutional law, as well as local county and city laws, may also apply. Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination in housing based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and disability. These laws apply to mobile home parks as well as other dwellings and they contain important protections for families with children. Tenants who feel discriminated against should contact the state Human Rights Commission. NOTE: You may want to check with your local County or Municipal Human Rights commission office. 
    • RCW 59.20.045

      Enforceability of rules against a tenant.

      Rules are enforceable against a tenant only if:
      (1) Their purpose is to promote the convenience, health, safety, or welfare of the residents, protect and preserve the premises from abusive use, or make a fair distribution of services and facilities made available for the tenants generally;
      (2) They are reasonably related to the purpose for which they are adopted;
      (3) They apply to all tenants in a fair manner;
      (4) They are not for the purpose of evading an obligation of the landlord; and
      (5) They are not retaliatory or discriminatory in nature.

    Our Homes

    Our homes are all owned by the residents in the community, who live in their own homes. No renters here. The value of 611 Cedar is in the more than 75 homes lined up and down the 4 streets.
    A red tree is enjoyed by the neighbors

    Wide Streets, Wide Lots and Spacious Skys

    The over-55 Senior Street in the park

    Homes with shrubs                            Peaceful street

    Entrance to Senior Street           Quiet setting near green belt.


    [click map to go to interactive map]
     Hadlock map
    Map of Port Hadlock, Washington and 611 Cedar Av Residential


    Park Owner

    The 611 Residential Community is in a transition from one owner to another. The new owner purchased the park merely three months ago in June of 2018 from Robert and Rosie Bates, who developed and operated the park for forty-years.

    All current leases were assigned to tenants by the previous owner (Bates) and continue in effect until their renewal dates.

    Rules and Regulations proposed by the new owner are 6-pages of "do's and don'ts" to be activated in one year after the expiration of the current leases and their governing Rules and Regulations, namely one page of rules and regulations attached to the Bates leases.

    Letter from owner 8/15 [copy]

    Duties and Responsibilities of Park Owner –– the list of duties and responsibilities of park owner is compiled from the Washington State RCW statutes, which govern the relationship between mobile/manufactured homeowners and park owners.